From a young age, we are all taught that one shouldn't lie and that honesty is the best policy. But what's the big deal about lying? Why are we taught that it's not ethical at the mere age of three ?
A sick mother gives her children an over-optimistic version of her prognosis to foster hope. A person gives their coworker too rosy feedback to instill confidence. A person sugarcoats their reason for missing their friend's party. A person who's cheating on their spouse, when confronted about it, denies the same. A person does not tell their family members an important piece of information to protect their feelings. A person tells someone mere portions of truth with an intent to hurt them.
“ They all lie, from the top man down to the bottom. If their lips are moving, a lie is unfolding.” — William Rivers Pitt
Every single one of these is an example of lying and bending the truth one way or another. From a young age, we are all taught that one shouldn't lie and that honesty is the best policy. But what's the big deal about lying? Why are we taught that it's not ethical at the mere age of three ?
After giving this a lot of thought, I reached to a conclusion that whether it's okay to lie or not is all about the situation, perception, repercussion, size, and intention behind it.
Honesty might be the best policy but it's not the only one. Sometimes lying is necessary, even ethical and justified.
When one lies to protect the other person's feelings, lying can be found justified for the sake of their mental health and well-being.
But, if you know you're not doing the other person justice by lying and that you're at fault. Lying is never okay. You're simply hurting the other person which may leave a scar on them in the long run.
For example, So as to avoid hurting your significant other, lying that you "like" what they're wearing or that you don't think they're fat is fine.
But lying that you didn't t cheat on them or you want to continue the relationship when in the concrete you don't, will solely hurt them in the long run. It cannot be justified to lie about such matters. Despite the fact that you may lie to not hurt their feelings, when they do learn about your deceit they won't be able to believe in you any longer.
However, lying to oneself does the greatest harm any lie could ever cause. As Fyodor Dostoevsky, in his last novel "The Brothers Karamazov" said and I quote ― "Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”
In conclusion, One lies to someone they love to protect them. But the thing is since you love them, they know when you lie. It can be considered ethical to lie to someone to protect their feelings but there will be some repercussions to it in the end.
There are always repercussions to lying. Always keep that in mind, weigh out your lie. Think and speak.
Try with seventh heaven....hahahaha
Pihu, the points on which you have emphasized are truly valid and remarkable and this is not a sugar coated statement or a lie.
All the best!